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Chibi-Robo! for Nintendo GameCube
Year : 2006
Genre : Adventure
Alternate titles :
  • Chibi-Robo! Plug into Adventure!
Local Players : 1
Franchise : Chibi-Robo
Manuals :   USA

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Name Function
Sachiko Nakamichi Artwork
Hisayo Osanai Artwork
Ryusuke Yoshida Artwork
Kazuya Yoshioka Artwork
Fumikazu Tanaka Character Animation
Kazuaki Arai Chibi-Robo Animation
Hiroshi Moriyama Director
Kenichi Nishi Director
Ryosuke Sumida Game Design
Hiroyuki Takanabe Game Design
Sayoko Yokote Game Design
Hironori Ahiko Main System Programmer
Daisuke Ooshita Map Design
Miho Tounai Map Design
Hirofumi Taniguchi Music, SE, & Sound Director
Masaru Hori Programmer
Junko Muroyama Programmer
Shunsuke Yoshida Programmer
Mariko Shibata Script & Progress Management
Darren Smith Vocals